Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hope your enjoying the off season!!

One of the things that surprises me is how intense our strat season is...and then when its over, it gets eerily quite.

Just thought I would check-in with everyone in the middle of our "off season".

I hope you are taking advantage of this down time.

Some of you may be familiar with Tuesday Morning Quarterback...these were his thoughts for football fans in the I thought it would be fitting to use them here for our off season:

"As usual, I recommend you employ the offseason to engage in spiritual growth. Take long walks. Attend worship services. Exercise more and eat less. Perform volunteer work in your community. Read five of the great books you've always meant to read. Read, mediate, serve others: Do these things, and you will feel justified in racing back to the remote (or computer)when the football artificial universe resumes anew in the autumn."

Hope you are doing some of these things!

Here is a timeline for our coming season:

1. July 1st - Strat gives preview of ratings
2. July / August - trades are permitted as long as both teams involved in the trade have paid their upcoming season fee.
3. Late August - strat cards / computer disk arrives
4. Late August - roster cutdowns to 36 from each team
5. September - 18 round draft...1 round a day for 3 weeks (no drafting on Sundays)...right here live on our ASFLC Blog!!
6. Early/Mid October - Preseason (1-2 games at the most)
7. Late October - Season begins

As of right now, we have 2 teams available without an owner. I have 22 teams with an owner who as far as I know, is planning on returning. If anyone is NOT planning on returning, please notify the commissioners immediately or as soon as you know.

Well, that's enough for now...enjoy the rest of your off-season!!